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acropolisfromteahousesmall (52K)

The Acropolis seen from an old cafe porch.

anafiotika_doorwaysmall (83K)

Even the mop is artistically placed in this Anafiotika doorway.

anafiotika_JBsmall (68K)

Just to prove: I Was There.

anafiotika_roofrepairsmall (65K)

Repairing the roof tiles on one of the tiny houses.

herodatticustheater2small (76K)

Halfway up the path, you can look into the Herod Atticus theater. Vertiginously Vertical! They were setting up for the last concert of the year.

filapappapou2small (44K)

Looking back over Filapappou Hill (where we saw the folk dancing) out to the sea.

climbingupsmall (65K) The path and then the uneven stone stairs zigzag up the hill, as tourists in pilgrimage fashion make their way up step by step.

parthenonsmall (44K)

parthenonconstructionsmall (58K)

The Parthenon and the Nike temple in front of it are a maze of scaffolding.

newandoldstonessmall (49K)

A new scroll capital gleams amid the older stones.

scrollpuzzlepiecessmall (73K)

Scroll puzzle pieces.

kore_hairdressing2.small (8K)   kore_hairdressingsmall (10K)   youngmanheadsmall (5K)

Some of the museum figures. I like their dignity. Also their elaborately done hair, which I took to send my hairdresser back home.

watercarriers2small (43K)

Laborers carry water. Behind them, the hand of a flute player suggests that after work there might be some music and dance.

dancerplaquesmall (36K)

And here are the dancers :-)

Erechtheionsmall (38K)

The Erechtheion, the other temple. Below are the famous karyatid women holding up the building. (And you thought jugs of water were heavy.)

karyatidsmall (60K)
anafiotika_fromaboveladdersmall (106K)

Looking over the wall down on Anafiotika. Where is Wally? (The guy fixing his roof.)

viewofareospagussmall (72K)

View of Areospagus (the windy hill).

comingdown2small (54K)

Leaving by the gate, a small exit back into a smaller world.

stoa_attelos2small (54K)

Down below in the Agora. The Stoa of Attelos and Rockefeller. The inside is a museum, which I'll visit another time.

stoa_attelosgardensmall (56K)

Toward the Stoa garden.

skateboardscootersmall (38K)

Look who visits a boring historical museum when it's free and you can skate or scoot to the door?

stoa_cafe1small (59K)

The Agora still is the Athenian place for long hours of food, drink, politics, love, and philosophy. The Stoa is on the right.

hephaestus_hydrant (51K)

The hydrant is the modern ode to the fearful power of fire, juxtaposed with the temple of Hephaestus (Vulcan), who was the ugly but skilled god of the smithy and hearth.

hephastuswindow1small (55K)

Looking through the temple of Haphaestus.

neoclassicironrailingsmall (54K)

One of the neo-clasical buildings. I took the photo for the railing design.

lateafternooncafesmall (56K)

A quiet late afternoon at the cafe. Only the waiters are busy.