| Mediator's Handbook 3rd EditionTwo years in a row!The Mediator's Handbook received Amazon.com's Best Seller Award for all books on mediation & negotiation.Thank you all for buying our book and for passing the word along to others. Thank you amazon.com! We're delighted so many people are finding it useful. What's in the 3rd Edition?A ready reference for working mediators or for anyone who is trying to resolve a dispute. This 3rd edition contains twice the material of the previous ones. We've organized it so that you can find the information and ideas you need easily. Continuously in print since 1982, The Mediator's Handbook was developed by generations of staff and mediators with Friends Conflict Resolution Programs (Quakers) of Philadelphia. Authors Jennifer Beer and Eileen Stief have organized FCRP's collective experience into clear, easy-to-follow text. Descriptions of steps and skills are laced with frequent examples of "what do I say now?". Line drawings by Elizabeth Elwood touch on the lighter side of mediation.
The Mediator's Handbook
| The Mediation Process Guiding Principles Understanding Conflict When Is Mediation Useful? Sample Situations The Mediator |
| Preparation Opening Statement Uninterrupted Time The Exchange Separate Meetings Setting the Agenda Building the Agreement Writing the Agreement Closing Statement Multiple Sessions Wrap-Up |
| Giving Good Attention Acknowledging Setting a Tone Encouraging Group Needs & Simple Language Language and Hearing Difficulties Avoid This Kettle of Fish Confidentiality In Practice Staying Impartial Cultural Patterns Emotionally Difficult Situations |
| Directing Should I Intervene? Setting Boundaries & Groundrules Summarizing Restating Confronting Protecting Is It Time to Quit? When Things Get Out of Control |
| Taking Notes Asking The Right Questions Negotiation Terms Interests Positions Mediatable Issues Reframing Their Words Eliciting Ideas Exploring Alternatives Testing for Agreement Sample Agreements When No Resolution is in Sight |
| Mediating Informally Processes for Intervening in Conflicts Formal and Informal Mediator Roles Should I be the Mediator? Persuading Them to Mediate Setting up a Mediation Family Conflicts Mediating with Children or Teenagers Mediating in the Workplace |
| Mediation Program Procedures Policies and Letters Evaluation Forms Bibliography |
Friends Conflict Resolution Programs develops creative and peaceful processes for resolving conflicts in Quaker and other communities. It is a program of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). FCRP created one of the early community mediation programs. Today it provides services to groups that want a Quaker mediator and consults with organizations on conflict issues.